Team Results Management

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Julie Gilchrist, Russell R. Pate, Andy Peterson - Controversies in the Care of Pediatric Athletes
Per Hölmich, Marc R. Safran and Jonathan Finnoff - Hip and Groin Pain
Matthew Matava, Janice K. Loudon, and Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm - Overuse Running Injuries to the Lower Extremity
Per Hölmich, Marc R. Safran, Tracy Ray, Martin P. Schwellnus, and David Klossner - Injury Prevention
Paul A. Nativi and Anthony Breitbach - Providing Dental Coverage at Athletic Events-Be Prepared
Andrew Hunt, David Webner, Jordan D. Metzl, and William O. Roberts - The Endurance Athlete
Kelci A. Stringer, Ron Courson, and Francis G. O'Connor - Preventing Sudden Death in Athletes
Karen McAvoy and Tod McKercher - REAP: The Benefits of Good Concussion Management
Thomas Cappaert - Exercise in a Cold Environment: Maximizing Performance and Preventing Injury
Jay Hoffman - Developing a Total Conditioning Program-From Design, Technology, and Implementation
Miller, Dougherty, Weidman, Stevens, Barron - Optimizing Performance through Coach/Sports Medicine Collaboration - 2023 USTFCCCA Convention
Carrie Silkman - Targeting the Hip: Strengthening the Hip for Patients With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
50m 23s (2010) Miscellaneous
Susan McGowen - Medical Preparedness and Emergency Planning in Action Sports - Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science - 2009 Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science
32m 53s (2009) Sports Medicine
Rod Walters - Bacterial Infections and Their Implications for Athletic Facilities
44m 39s (2008) Sports Medicine