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Kelci A. Stringer, Ron Courson, and Francis G. O'Connor - Preventing Sudden Death in Athletes

Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death in young athletes on the playing field, and is typically the result of undiagnosed structural or electrical cardiovascular disease.
All factors considered, prevention is the key.
As such, sports medicine practitioners need to understand the risk factors that predispose athletes to greater risks of sudden death, including environmental factors, hereditary factors, and underlying medical conditions.
Such information can help practitioners prevent such an incident from occurring during a sporting event, as well as assist in an emergency action plan.
In that regard, Preventing Sudden Death in Athlete, with Kelci A. Stringer, Ron Courson, and Francis G. O'Connor, provides an overview of several aspects of the management of sudden cardiac death in athletes, including the role of sickle cell trait and steps that should be undertaken should an on-field arrest occur.
Among the topics covered:
  • Korey Stringer Institute (Kelci A. Stringer)
  • Preventing Sudden Death: Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Ron Courson)
  • Sickle Cell Trait in Warriors and Athletes: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Where Do We Go From Here? (Francis G. O’Connor)
coaches-choice athletictv kelci-a-stringer ron-courson francis-g-oconnor sports-medicine sudden-death cardiac-arrest sickle-cell emergency-action-plan
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