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Per Hölmich, Marc R. Safran, Tracy Ray, Martin P. Schwellnus, and David Klossner - Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention, presented by Per Hölmich, Marc R. Safran, Tracy Ray, Martin P. Schwellnus, and David Klossner, features over two hours of information, ideas, and insights on preventing sports-related injuries in five key areas from five renowned and respected medical and health/wellness professionals.
Among the topics covered are preventing groin injuries, preventing shoulder injuries in overhead athletes, preventing youth throwing injuries, detailing risk factors for exercise-associated muscle cramping, and exploring the issue of whether rule changes in competitive athletics would lead to fewer injuries.
Among the topics covered:
  • Strategies to Prevent Groin Injuries (Per Hölmich)
  • Prevention of Shoulder Injury in the Overhead Athlete (Marc R. Safran)
  • Pitch Counts: How Can We Prevent Youth Throwing Injuries? (Tracy Ray)
  • Risk Factors for Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps (EAMC) in Endurance Athletes (Martin Schwellnus)
  • Injury Prevention NCAA Updates: Do Rule Changes Lead to Less Injuries? (David Klossner)
coaches-choice athletictv per-holmich marc-r-safran tracy-ray martin-p-schwellnus david-klossner sports-medicine injury-prevention risk-factors
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