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Joel Haber - Bullying in Sports... Crossing Fair Play Into Foul Play Means a Losing Season

Bullying in Sports…Crossing Fair Play Into Foul Play Means a Losing Season, by Joal Haber, offers a compelling overview of a critical issue facing athletics with regard to bullying.

Haber discusses what’s going on in sports and why it is having such a negative impact on those individuals who are affected by it.

Haber also reviews the various types of bullying and identifies the three primary categories of bullies.

In addition, Haber details what can be done to prevent or stop such negative behavior, as well as what players who are targets of bullying want to be done.

Furthermore, Haber points out what players who are actually being bullied do to address the situation.

Among the topics covered:

  • Why is bully prevention important?
  • What is bullying?
  • Types of bullying
  • Bullying survey and data
  • Who are bullies?
  • Now…meet some of your “team members”
  • What can you do?
  • What do players who are targets want?
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