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Lyle J. Micheli - ACL Injuries in the Child Athlete - Where Are We?

40m 17s(2013)

ACL Injuries in the Child Athlete: Where Are We?provides an overview of the key factorsinvolved in treating knee injuries in child adolescent athletes. In a step-by-step manner,the DVD reviews the process for dealing with an injury—diagnosis, treatment, andrehabilitation. The DVD also discusses the issue of operative vs. nonoperative concerningan ACL injury in a youth athlete and points out the four parameters that should beconsidered when deciding which approach to adopt. In addition, the DVD reviews theefforts of Dr. Martha Murray regarding biologic ACL repairs.

Among the topics covered:

  • The ACL story
  • ACL injury: child and adolescent
  • Treatment: factors
  • Controversies: child ACL
  • Decision parameters
  • Reconstructions tested
  • Long-term outcome?
  • The future biologic ACL repair?
healthy-learning lyle-j-micheli acl-injuries child-athlete youth-athlete acl injury-prevention athletictv
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