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Malachy P. McHugh, Ian Shrier - Stretching - The Debate

Stretching: The Debate examines the role of stretching in performance and injury prevention. In compelling fashion, the DVD looks at the acute vs. the chronic effects of stretching, including whether stretching actually impairs performance. The DVD offers a point—counter-point argument concerning the possible benefits and negative outcomes of stretching. The DVD also details and discusses several areas of agreement with regard to stretching.

Among the topics covered:

• Acute vs. chronic effects of stretching
• Effects on strength
• Effects of stretching on injury risk
• Stretching, length-tension and muscle strains
• Role of energy absorption in muscle injury
• Dynamic stretching

healthy-learning acute-stretching-effects chronic-stretching-effects strength effects-of-stretching injury-risk injury-prevention stretching length-tension muscle-strains
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