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Karl Dunbar - Teaching Defensive Linemen to Stop the Run


Teaching Defensive Linemen to Stop the Run, by Coach Karl Dunbar, presents an overview of the key factors involved in sound run defense by defensive linemen.

Each of the basic fundamentals essential in the ability of defensive linemen to effectively stop the run is discussed in a detailed easy-to-understand manner.

Coach Dunbar also discusses and demonstrates how defensive linemen can successfully execute a shrug/swim release.

In addition, Coach Dunbar looks at the basic difference between 6-point and 3-point explosions, including how a defensive lineman should locate the ball, after he presses the blocker and neutralizes him.

Among the topics covered:

  • Basic fundamentals
  • Hand placement
  • Shrug or swim release
  • 6-point explosion
  • 3-point explosion
  • Stance and stunt steps
  • Changing direction
  • Hoorahs
  • Low-bag run
  • Shuffle and break/retrace
coaches-choice athletictv karl-dunbar football defense defensive-linemen run-stop fundamentals hands swim
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