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Anthony Hart - Coaching the Zone Option


Coaching the Zone Option, by Coach Anthony Hart, presents an overview of the key factors involved in successfully executing Lafayette High School`s version of the zone option offense-the triple option out of a zone scheme.

Coach Hart outlines six basic reasons for employing the zone option, as well as discusses how to best install this particular offensive system.

Coach Hart also reviews the role and responsibilities of both the quarterback and the running back in the zone option.

In addition, Coach Hart includes several drills that coaches can incorporate into their team`s practice regimen to develop the skills and techniques required to run the zone option effectively.

Among the topics covered:

  • Why run zone option?
  • Installing the zone option
  • Alignment
  • Quarterback play
  • Running back play
  • Alignment and fit drill
  • Exchange and cutback drill
  • Read drill
  • Pitch drill
  • Option variations
  • Quarterback zone
coaches-choice athletictv anthony-hart football offense zone option alignment quarterback running-back
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