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Ted Newsome - Coaching the Drive Block, Traps, and Pulls


Coaching the Drive Block, Traps, and Pulls, by Coach Ted Newsome, details the key factors involved in drive blocking, trap blocking, and pulling by offensive linemen.

Coach Newsome also includes a comprehensive series of drills that coaches can employ to develop the technique required to perform each skill effectively.

The video is designed to serve as an invaluable resource for coaches who want to maximize the use of their team's practice time.

Among the topics covered:

  • Stance
  • Lead-step shade drill
  • Stance and starts
  • Angle-move drill
  • Fit drill
  • Down block
  • Drive-and-direction drill
  • Veer block
  • Punch drill
  • Influence block
  • Punch-to-fit drill
  • Backside cut-off drill
  • Head-up drive block
  • Fight the flatten
  • Backside cut-off block
  • Linebacker progression
  • Flowing-linebacker drill
  • Frontside-to-backside drill
  • Trap block progression: pocket drill
  • Full-speed trap drill
  • Trap-reaction drill
  • Square pull
  • Long pull
  • Counter-trey drill
coaches-choice athletictv ted-newsome football offense drive-block trap pull drills stance
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