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Ted Newsome - Coaching Double-Teams, Gap, and Zone Blocking Schemes


Coaching Double-Teams, Gap, and Zone Blocking Schemes, by Coach Ted Newsome, provides a resource for coaches who want to enhance the ability of their offensive line to perform specific types of blocks.

Coach Newsome details the key factors involved in each type of block and reviews the basic fundamentals underlying both gap and zone blocking schemes.

Coach Newsome also features a series of proven drills that can be used to develop the skills and technique required in the various types of blocks and blocking schemes.

Among the topics covered:

  • Alignment
  • Chip block
  • Splits
  • Zone blocking scheme
  • Double-team fit
  • Fold block
  • 2-on-1 drill
  • Scoop block
  • Combination blocks: don't chase the bone drill
  • Under block
  • Gap blocking scheme
  • Shotgun snaps
coaches-choice athletictv ted-newsome football offense blocking double-team gap zone drills
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