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Larry Kennan - The Proper Mechanics of Throwing the Football


The Proper Mechanics of Throwing the Football, by Coach Larry Kennan, explains why quarterback is the most difficult position in sports to play, as well as outlines the personal and physical characteristics of a top-flight quarterback.

Coach Kennan also details why passing a football starts from the ground up.

In addition, Coach Kennan provides an overview of the key factors involved in sound throwing mechanics.

Coach Kennan also offers suggestions on how to improve less-than-acceptable throwing mechanics.

Among the topics covered:

  • Characteristics of a top quarterback
  • Proper grip
  • Stance and delivery
  • Throwing starts from the ground up
  • The mechanics of throwing video
  • Coaching examples: throwing mechanics
  • Shuffle drill
  • Throwing off-balance drill
  • Suggestions to improve mechanics
  • 12-yard hook route
  • Skinny-post route
coaches-choice athletictv larry-kennan football offense throwing mechanics grip stance drills
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