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Ken Leonard - Screens and Special Plays From the Spread Gun Offense


Screens and Special Plays From the Spread Gun Offense, by Coach Ken Leonard, explains why the screen game can be an effective weapon in a team's offensive arsenal and discusses how screen plays and special plays can help make the offense more fun for the players.

Coach Leonard also includes several examples of successful screen plays that can be incorporated into a team's offense-each of which is explained and shown.

Coach Leonard is designed as an instructional resource for teams and coaches at all competitive levels.

Among the topics covered:

  • Swingster
  • Rocket
  • Double screen
  • Slow screen
  • Bubble
  • Now screen
  • Rocket ladder
  • Rocket special
  • Game film cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv ken-leonard football offense screen special-plays spread-gun bubble rocket
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