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Rex Norris - Defensive Line Games: Two-, Three-, and Four-Man Pass-Rush Stunts


Defensive Line Games: Two-, Three-, and Four-Man Pass-Rush Stunts, with Coach Rex Norris, provides a detailed overview of the technique and strategy involved in successfully executing two-, three-, and four-man games to rush the passer.

Coach Norris discusses the underlying strategy for each game (the how and why), as well as reviews the communication that is essential for performing these games effectively.

Each game is explained and demonstrated (both on the field and in game-film cutups) in an easy-to-understand and apply manner.

Featuring one of the most respected defensive line coaches in the game, the video is designed to be an invaluable resource for coaches at all competitive levels.

Among the topics covered:

  • T/T stunt (TOM)
  • T/E stunt (TEX)
  • E/T stunt (EXIT)
  • 3-man games
  • 4-man games
  • On-the-field demonstration
coaches-choice athletictv rex-norris football defense defensive-line pass-rush stunts technique strategy
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