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Rusty Stivers - Spread & Screen Offense: Running Four Plays in One at a NASCAR Pace


Spread & Screen Offense: Running Four Plays in One at a NASCAR Pace, with Coach Rusty Stivers, explains the underlying philosophy of an offense that features combining receiver screen with run plays.

Coach Stivers details why such a strategic approach will force defenses to cover down, soften the box, and slow the rush, which collectively will enhance a team's running game.

Coach Stivers also includes several examples of plays that can be executed successfully when such a combination is employed.

In addition, Coach Stivers discusses the key factors involved when running an offense at a NASCAR pace.

Among the topics covered:

  • Offensive philosophy
  • Practice philosophy
  • Formations
  • MJC offense
  • Wide receiver screens
  • L64 drive right draft
  • NASCAR pace
  • Ace
  • Zone read
  • Trey WR screen
  • Fly-sweep in zone read
  • NASCAR combos
coaches-choice athletictv rusty-stivers football offense spread screen wide-receivers zone-read fly-sweep
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