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Michael Rude - Coaching an Aggressive 50 Defense: Inside Linebacker Play


Coaching an Aggressive 50 Defense: Inside Linebacker Play, by Coach Michael Rude, explains the step-by-step process that can be used to train inside linebackers-the key position in the 50 defense.

Coach Rude reviews the key factors involved in sound inside linebacker play in the 50 defense, including gap responsibility, run and pass keys, run defense, and pass coverage, in addition to mastering the scrap-and-shuffle technique.

Coach Rude also features a series of drills that can be employed to develop the skills and techniques required to successfully play inside linebacker in the 50 defense.

Among the topics covered:

  • What we look for in an inside linebacker
  • Basic drills for inside linebackers
  • How we use a progression system for teaching our inside linebackers
  • Progressive drills: add an offensive tackle
  • Progression drills: add a center and a tight end
  • Teaching the scrape-&-shuffle technique
  • Defensive fronts
  • Basic inside linebacker play for cover 3
coaches-choice athletictv football michael-rude defense linebacker drills tackle center tight-end
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