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Kevin Swartwood - Coaching Special Teams: The Kickoff Game Coverage and Return Rules


Coaching Special Teams: The Kickoff Game Coverage and Return Rules, by Coach Kevin Swartwood, illustrates a simple, effective package that coaches can employ to implement these special teams units at all competitive levels-freshman, junior varsity, and varsity.

Coach Swartwood outlines the key factors involved in developing and executing aggressive, sound special teams play.

Coach Swartwood also explains how to install all phases of the kickoff game in an easy-to-understand and apply manner.

Among the topics covered:

  • Bomb squad: kickoff team
  • Bomb squad: onside kick
  • Bomb squad: pooch kick
  • Kickoff return team
  • Game night
coaches-choice athletictv kevin-swartwood football special-teams kickoff coverage return onside-kick pooch-kick
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