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John Fontes - The Defensive Back's Guide to Man-to-Man Coverage Concepts


The Defensive Back's Guide to Man-to-Man Coverage Concepts, with Coach John Fontes, provides an invaluable resource for coaches and defensive backs who want a better understanding of the fundamental concepts involved in man-to-man coverage.

Coach Fontes explores several possible man-to-man calls and details the coverage responsibilities of the defensive backs and linebackers in each type of call.

Coach Fontes outlines how defensive backs can communicate with each other during the game, as well as discusses how these various calls can help confuse the quarterback by distinguishing the coverage.

Among the topics covered:

  • Double-covering the number one outside receiver on the board (combo call)
  • Double-covering the inside receiver (deuce call)
  • Defensive back communicating with each other during the game
  • Giving the quarterback three different looks
  • Press coverage on both sides
  • I-strong call
  • Miami call
  • 41 blue call
  • Trap it call
  • Film cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv john-fontes football defense defensive-back man-to-man coverage press double-cover
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