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Tom Walsh - Quarterback Execution of the Drive and Shallow Cross Concepts


Quarterback Execution of the Drive and Shallow Cross Concepts presents an overview of two key concepts that can be utilized effectively in a passing attack.

Featuring one of the most knowledgeable coaches in the game, Coach Tom Walsh reviews the underlying basis for each concept-drive, which helps receivers beat multiple coverages in the quick game, and shallow cross, which is designed to either enable receivers to get under the underneath coverage or to get the underneath defenders to choose the underneath receivers, thereby creating open space behind the coverage.

Coach Walsh also includes specific examples of plays in which the concepts are implemented.

Among the topics covered:

  • The drive concept
  • The drive concept: three wide receivers
  • The drive concept: balanced set
  • Shallow cross concept
  • Shallow cross concept: 11 personnel
coaches-choice athletictv tom-walsh football offense quarterback drive shallow-cross quick-game balanced
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