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Gerad Parker - Wide Receiver Blocking and Release Techniques and Drills


Wide Receiver Blocking and Release Techniques and Drills, with Coach Gerad Parker, features a step-by-step instructional progression that football coaches can use to develop their skill level in both blocking and releasing.

Coach Parker explains and demonstrates each technique in detail.

Coach Parker also includes a series of game-tested practice drills that can be used to enhance the fundamentals involved in each skill.

Among the topics covered:

  • Blocking concepts and techniques
  • Your feet stop, his feet stop
  • He's low, you're slow
  • Shuffle, shuffle, don't cross-over
  • Step, punch, drive
  • Train drill
  • Chin-shot drill
  • Hoop drill
  • Wide receiver man releases
  • Wide receiver zone releases
coaches-choice athletictv gerad-parker football offense wide-receiver blocking release technique drills
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