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Randy Pippin - Developing a Base 4-2-5 Multiple Defense


Developing a Base 4-2-5 Multiple Defense, with Coach Randy Pippin, is a comprehensive resource for coaches who want to employ the 4-2-5 defensive defense as a platform from which their teams can easily transition to other schemes.

In that regard, Coach Pippin explains how teams can transition from a 4-2-5 to a 4-3-2, 3-4-4, or an odd stack, as well as reviews the advantages of using the 4-2-5 as a defensive base.

Coach Pippin also discusses the innovative A4 defensive teaching process that coaches can use to implement this scheme.

Among the topics covered:

  • Why the 4-2-5?
  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Understand responsibility
  • Alignment
  • Read
  • The A4 defensive teaching process
coaches-choice athletictv randy-pippin football defense 4-2-5 communication alignment responsibility strategy
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