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James Vint - Marrying the Downhill Run Game With the Spread From the Pistol


Marrying the Downhill Run Game With the Spread From the Pistol, by Coach James Vint, offers an overview of how to successfully execute the run game from the pistol formation.

Coach Vint details the benefits of utilizing the pistol, as well as reviews the key factors involved in the inside zone/zone read play.

Coach Vint also discusses a number of play-specific concepts that can be implemented into the downhill run game with the spread from the pistol.

In addition, Coach Vint points out that for players, the pistol is more than a formation/offense.

It is also a concept and a thought process that eventually evolves into an attitude that the players have.

Among the topics covered:

  • Evolution
  • Versatility
  • Inside zone/zone read
  • Zone lead concepts
  • Trap concepts
  • Power concepts
  • Truck concepts
  • Counter concepts
coaches-choice athletictv james-vint football offense run spread pistol inside zone
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