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Rich Hargitt - Air Raid Offense: Quick Passes and Screens


Air Raid Offense: Quick Passes and Screens, by Coach Rich Hargitt, discusses the fact that the most fundamental feature of the passing game in this offensive system is its ability to attack defenses quickly, particularly with quick rhythm throws.

Coach Hargitt explains why one of the basic goals of the quick game in the air raid offense is to create one-on-one matchups between the skill players on the offense and slower defenders.

Coach Hargitt also points out how this attack allows the quarterback to get the ball out of his hands quickly.

In addition, extensive game footage that illustrates the key coaching points covered in the video is included.

Among the topics covered:

  • Offensive organization
  • Ducks
  • Houston
  • Hoosiers
  • Huskers
  • Hawkeye
  • Hawaii
  • Spacer
  • Sabertooth
  • Seattle
  • Cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv rich-hargitt football offense air-raid pass screen quick-game matchups
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