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Rich Hargitt - Air Raid Offense: Vertical Concepts


Air Raid Offense: Vertical Concepts, by Coach Rich Hargitt, explains how this offensive system can be utilized effectively to spread defenses and attack them vertically down the field.

Coach Hargitt discusses the key factors in the 4 vertical concept (also known as the Texas Tech concept), which is the base concept underlying the vertical attack in the air raid offense.

In addition, extensive game footage that illustrates the main coaching points covered in the video is included.

Among the topics covered:

  • Offensive organization
  • Texas Tech
  • Gambler
  • Ducks
  • Wyoming shake
  • Sabertooth
  • Tar heel
  • Alert tags
  • Cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv rich-hargitt football offense vertical texas-tech gambler ducks wyoming-shake
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