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Rich Hargitt - Air Raid Offense - Quarterback Daily Basics


Air Raid Offense: Quarterback Daily Basics, by Coach Rich Hargitt, provides an in-depth overview of the skills and attributes necessary to effectively play the quarterback position in this explosive offensive system.

Coach Hargitt also covers the read progressions, organizational skills, and protection schemes with regard to the quarterback in the air raid offense.

In addition, Coach Hargitt details a series of drills that are designed to develop and enhance the key skills and techniques involved in quarterback play in the air raid offense.

Extensive game footage that illustrates basic coaching points addressed in the video is also included.

Among the topics covered:

  • Traits of a good quarterback
  • Quarterback commandments
  • Quarterback drills
  • Practice structure
  • Offensive organization
  • Air raid read progression
coaches-choice athletictv rich-hargitt football offense air-raid quarterback drills practice read
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