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Paul Connor - Wing-T: Providing "Conflict" For Defensive Personnel


Featuring one of the most respected Wing-T coaches in the game, Paul Connor, Wing-T: Providing "Conflict" For Defensive Personnel presents an overview of offensive packages that Wing-T coaches can employ to create coverage problems for the defense.

Coach Connor details plays that can cause defensive players to overreact to action heading their way by generating additional responsibilities to which they must respond.

Coach Connor also includes various plays that can be run to target specific defensive players.

Among the topics covered:

  • Cross-block belly
  • Buck sweep right variations
  • Facing the 3x3 stack
  • Cross-block belly variation
  • Keeping the secondary honest
  • Tackle-trap counter
  • Jet sweep
  • Jet
  • Tag
coaches-choice athletictv paul-connor football offense wing-t conflict defense cross-block jet
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