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Roger Hinshaw - 4-2-5 Coverage Concepts From 2x2 Formations


4-2-5 Coverage Concepts From 2x2 Formations, by Coach Roger Hinshaw, provides an overview of the key factors involved in how teams can effectively cover 2x2 receiver sets that are either balanced or unbalanced in personnel types.

Coach Hinshaw discusses how teams can achieve integrity in the box in order to play the run.

The video is a resource for both coaches and athletes on 4-2-5 teams at all levels of competition.

Among the topics covered:

  • Match (vs. 10 personnel)
  • Cover 4
  • Cover 2
  • Additional 2x2 thoughts
coaches-choice athletictv roger-hinshaw football defense 4-2-5 coverage cover-4 cover-2 2x2
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