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Dave Jacobs - Spread Choice Run Screen Game Quadruple Option: 4 Plays in 1


Spread Choice Run Screen Game Quadruple Option: 4 Plays in 1, by Coach Dave Jacobs, provides an in-depth look at "pre-" and "post-" snap reads that adds a fourth option to horizontal stretch triple option football.

Coach Jacobs reviews a scheme that enables teams to maximize their point outpoint, while not wasting plays.

The scheme is based on a simple system that allows teams to incorporate an entire offense into one play.

The video is designed as a resource for teams and coaches at all competitive levels.

Among the topics covered:

  • Pre-snap read
  • Quarterback run phase
  • Boundary throw
  • Screen phase
  • Option phase
  • Blocking the wrap game
  • 3-4 team
  • Odd front
  • Doubles
  • Trips
coaches-choice athletictv dave-jacobs football offense spread run screen pre-snap post-snap
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