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Dave Jacobs - Chunk Pass Plays in the Spread


Chunk Pass Plays in the Spread, by Coach Dave Jacobs, explains how teams can employ explosive, yet simple, ways to get "chunks" of yards when spreading the ball.

Coach Jacobs reviews why this approach to offense provides easy reads for the quarterback, which make him more confident and decisive on where to go with the ball.

Coach Jacobs points out that defenses are always swing their offensive counterparts something.

As a result, just by adding a few concepts, an offense can become more explosive, while driving defensive coordinators crazy.

Among the topics covered:

  • Protection
  • Quick game
  • Slant
  • Cover 3
  • Down the field
  • Bubble slant
  • Sluggo
  • Frisco
  • Utah
  • Four verticals
  • Choice sprint-out game
  • Stack
  • Flood
coaches-choice athletictv dave-jacobs offense football chunk-pass spread slant cover-3 bubble
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