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Roger Hinshaw - Pressure Concepts From the 4-2-5 Defense


Pressure Concepts From the 4-2-5 Defense, by Roger Hinshaw, examines some of the most effective ways the 4-2-5 provides defenses with opportunities to apply pressure from either the outside or the inside.

Coach Hinshaw reviews the options for keeping the coverage in tact while exerting pressure.

Coach Hinshaw also details how teams can employ multiple blitzes with two linebackers.

In addition, Coach Hinshaw looks at how teams can achieve edge pressure with the secondary.

Among the topics covered:

  • Which pressure concept best fits your personnel
  • Which area of offense will you design pressure to attack?
  • Thoughts on 0 man with pressure
  • Thoughts on man-free with pressure
  • Thoughts on zone pressure
  • Random thoughts
coaches-choice athletictv roger-hinshaw football defense 4-2-5 pressure 0-man man-free zone
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