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Wade Phillips - The Fundamentals of Defensive Strategy


Featuring one of the most respected defensive coaches in the history of the game, Coach Wade Phillips presents an overview an easy to- understand and apply way to teach the basic factors involved in sound defensive play in The Fundamentals of Defensive Strategy.

Initially, Coach Phillips details how defensive players can simply identify offensive formations.

Next, Coach Phillips addresses how to effectively identify what offensive personnel are in the game and how defenders can defend against that personnel.

Coach Phillips then discusses how to determine where defenders should line up and what technique they should employ.

Finally, Coach Phillips reviews what gap responsibilities the defenders have.

Among the topics covered:

  • Formation identification
  • 2-back formations
  • 1-back formations
  • Personnel identification
  • Techniques
  • Gap responsibilities
coaches-choice athletictv wade-phillips football defense strategy formation 2-back 1-back gap
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