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Paul Golla - Coaching the Screen Game in the Pistol Offense


Coaching the Screen Game in the Pistol Offense, by Coach Paul Golla, provides an overview of how coaches can add a screen game to their pistol offense package.

Coach Golla discusses the need for a screen game, as well as outlines a progression for teaching it.

Coach Golla also includes several examples of specific screens that can be successfully incorporated in the pistol offense.

Each screen is explained and demonstrated in detail.

Among the topics covered:

  • The pistol screen game: why screen in your offense
  • Bubble screen
  • Quick screen
  • Smash screen
  • Running-back screen
  • Combo screens
  • Sprint-out screen
  • Video cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv paul-golla football offense pistol-offense screen bubble quick smash
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