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Ken Leonard - Quick-Passing Game and Big Doubles From the Spread Gun Offense


Quick-Passing Game and Big Doubles From the Spread Gun Offense, by Coach Ken Leonard, details the three underlying principles of the quick-passing game and reviews the factors that are essential for achieving success when employing this fundamental facet of offense.

Coach Leonard also discusses quarterback reads in the quick-passing game from the spread gun offense.

In addition, Coach Leonard includes an overview of several plays in the quick-passing game that can be effectively executed from this particular offensive system.

Among the topics covered:

  • Basic receiver play
  • Quarterback play
  • Seam hitch
  • All hitch
  • Double outs
  • Bubble slant
  • Go slant
  • Big doubles
  • Game film cut-ups
coaches-choice athletictv ken-leonard football offense quick-passing doubles spread-gun receiver quarterback
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