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DeChon Burns - Defensive Line Play vs. the Run

Defensive Line Play vs. the Run, by Coach DeCohn Burns, features an overview of the key factors involved in successful defensive line play in run situations.
Coach Burns looks at defensive line play against a variety of run blocking schemes.
Coach Burns also discusses defensive line play vs. double-team, as well as zone, blocking schemes.
In addition, Coach Burns details how coaches can effectively have their defensive linemen work on their level of balance, ability to exert leverage, hand-eye coordination, hand placement, and footwork.
Among the topics covered:
  • Six-point placement drill
  • One-step key the V' drill
  • Two-step key the V' drill
  • The Jedi fit drill
  • Snake-over-snake-under drill
  • Shrug drill
coaches-choice athletictv dechon-burns football defense defensive-line run drills block zone
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