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Mark Gottfried - Drills to Improve Medium-Range Shooting

42m 29s(2008)

Drills to Improve Medium-Range Shooting covers the fundamentals and techniques involved in shooting and emphasizes the techniques involved in receiving and rebounding the ball prior to taking the shot. The keys to moving the ball, shooting free throws, and passing are discussed. The DVD features on-the-court demonstrations and numerous drills for practicing shooting.

Among the topics covered:

  • Step-back crossover
  • Live 1-on-1
  • Catch and shoot from the wing
  • Catch and shoot from the free-throw line
  • Individual shooting workout
  • Flanker drill
  • Three-lane passing
coaches-choice basketball jump-shot-fundamentals basketball-shooting-technique coaching-mid-range mid-range-shots jump-shot-technique basketball-shooting-fundamentals mid-range-shot mid-range-shooting
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