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Dave Brunner - The Complete Practice Plan for Wide Receivers


The Complete Practice Plan for Wide Receivers, by Coach Dave Brunner, presents a comprehensive, step-by-step blueprint that coaches can employ to organize and conduct practice for their wide receivers.

Coach Brunner outlines the key factors involved in planning such practices, including how mental skills training for wide receivers can effectively be incorporated into a team's practice plan.

Coach Brunner also features several pre-practice drills that can be used to develop the footwork of wide receivers.

In addition, Coach Brunnerreviews how group work for wide receivers can successfully be integrated into a team's practices.

Among the topics covered:

  • Planning
  • Meetings
  • Coaching the mental aspects of wide receiver play
  • Integrating mental skills training (MST) into your practice plan
  • Practice organization
  • Pre-practice footwork drills
  • Practice organization-group work
  • Wideout fade conversion
  • Practice organization-group work with defensive backs
coaches-choice athletictv dave-brunner football offense wide-receiver practice-plan mental-skills footwork wideout
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