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Stan Zweifel - Teaching Offensive Players to Analyze Game FilmFree to Watch


Teaching Offensive Players to Analyze Game Film, by Coach Stan Zweifel, provides a tool to help players watch and analyze both game and practice tape.

Not only does Coach Zweifel discuss how offensive players can be better prepared to identify tendencies of their defensive opponents, it also details how offensive players can grade their own performance by watching film.

In addition, Coach Zweifel explores how and why coaches should share two primarily staff instruments with their players that can help them with their efforts to analyze game film-the defensive breakdown sheet and the defensive summary sheet.

Among the topics covered:

  • Defensive breakdown sheet
  • Defensive summary sheet
  • QB-WR evaluation
  • RB evaluation
  • Offensive line evaluation
  • Self-grade sheet
coaches-choice athletictv stan-zweifel football offense game-film evaluation defensive-breakdown self-grade defensive-summary
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