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Larry Kindbom - Getting Offensive With Your Punt Team


The punt is considered by many football coaches to be the number one offensive play in the game.

Getting Offensive With Your Punt Team, by Coach Larry Kindbom, provides a comprehensive overview of the key factors involved in punt protection and punt coverage against all types of fronts, including six, seven, and eight-man rushes.

Coach Kindbom also details the philosophy and principles underlying spread punt protection.

In addition, Coach Kindbom also presents a simple system for utilizing fakes all over the field, which can help reduce the intensity of any punt rush.

Among the topics covered:

  • Normal spread punt alignment
  • Punt vs. a six-man front Michigan
  • Punt vs. a seven-man front Michigan
  • Punt vs. a eight-man front Eight ball
  • Taking advantage of defensive play
coaches-choice athletictv larry-kindbom football special-teams punt fake offense rush front
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