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Adarian Barr and Roosevelt Kent - Sprinting Philosophy and Drills

Track & Field

Sprinting Philosophy and Drills, with Coaches Adarian Barr and Roosevelt Kent, explains that while sprinting can be either very complex or very simple, an argument can be made for adhering to a simple approach to coaching the sprints.

The key is to enable the athlete to gain as much ground as possible.

The video provides an overview of the key factors involved in successful sprinting.

The video also features a series of drills that coaches can use to develop the skills and technique of their sprinters.

Among the topics covered:

  • Sprinting
  • Arm swing
  • Run demonstration
  • Running on the ball of the foot
  • Curling forming the four
  • Coming out with the four's
  • Backwards-to-forwards drills
  • Mark Collins drill
  • Acceleration pattern drills
  • Cheetah block start
  • Full start example
coaches-choice athletictv adarian-barr roosevelt-kent track-and-field sprint drills acceleration block-start technique
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