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Andrew Coverdale - New Developments From Bunched and Compressed Sets


New Developments From Bunched and Compressed Sets, with Coach Andrew Coverdale, provides an up-to-date review of how coaches can use bunched and compressed sets as a tool to enhance the ability of teams to do whatever it is that they like to do best.

Coach Coverdale discusses the various forms of bunch as well as points out the three underlying advantages of employing bunch formations.

Coach Coverdale also explores how bunch can be utilized effectively in the base run game.

In addition, Coach Coverdale details the base rules for keeper/naked.

Among the topics covered:

  • Forms of bunch
  • Quick sprint flat/corner
  • Base run game
  • Keeper/naked
  • Vice keeper check with me
  • Spacing concepts
  • Wide departure post
coaches-choice athletictv andrew-coverdale football offense bunch compressed flat corner run
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