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Tavares Johnson - The Air-Wing Offense - The Running Game

The Air-Wing Offense: The Running Game, by Tavares Johnson, explains how teams can establish a devastating running game in the air wing offense-a system that encompasses the best principles and concept of two different offensive philosophies: the air raid offense and the Delaware Wing-T.
Featuring the head coach of the two-time Mississippi 1A football champions, the video explores how coaches can design and implement a running attack in the air-wing offense that can make the defense defend the entire field.
To illustrate the basic points, the video discusses the key factors involved in executing both the buck sweep (the base play in the air wing) and buck tough (the buck sweep play, with a tough call).
Among the topics covered:
  • Buck sweep 
  • Buck sweep vs. odd front 
  • Buck tough 
  • Buck tough vs. odd front
coaches-choice athletictv tavares-johnson football offense air-wing air-raid delaware-wing-t buck-sweep buck-tough
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